Producers must purchase a share to become Co-op owner.
Approval of an application requires that farm products and food items to be sold meet the producer standards outlined in the guidelines, which are available for download here.
Members are interested in local foods produced with sustainable practices that show good stewardship. Organic certification is not required.
Producers may not resell items through the Co-op.
All meat and poultry must be processed in a USDA or Illinois Department of Agriculture (IDOA) inspected plant. Each package must have a stamp indicating USDA and IDOA processing.
Once the producer application has been approved, you must register as a seller on the online market site. You will also need to make an appointment with the market manager to learn how to enter your products and information about your farm.
Please complete the Producer Application (PDF) and return it to the Co-op by mail or in person to:
Macomb Food Co-op
PO Box 802
211 S. McArthur
Macomb, IL 61455