
Why we chose the co-op model

In 2009, a group of people in Macomb and McDonough County, feeling the need for a local foods store in Macomb, began to act. Given the strong cooperative tradition present in rural communities, especially when there is a sense of an unmet need. The Midwest historically has had a culture of communal self-sufficiency. An additional appeal of a co-op is the ability to finance primarily with local funding. The members of a cooperative are its owners, enabling the co-op to keep economic benefits within our community and debt to a minimum.


Our purpose is to create and operate a member-owned, Macomb-based cooperative that supports the local economy through the distribution and sale of regional and sustainably grown foods, fair trade products, and health care items.

Core Values

Our core values reflect what is truly important to us:

  • Healthy food
  • Transparency of operations
  • Participative community engagement and education
  • Sustainable and local
  • Positive experience for members, customers and employees

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Our vision is to create a participative community by directly connecting producers and consumers for the mutual benefit of a healthy environment and sustainable agricultural development.  Our store location offers a variety of local organically grown or raised food, sustainably grown foods, fair-trade products, and health care items.

Co-operative Principles

The 7 co-operative principles are guidelines by which co-operatives throughout the world put their values into practice.

  • Voluntary and Open Membership
  • Democratic Member Control
  • Member Economic Participation
  • Autonomy and Independence
  • Education, Training and Information
  • Co-operation among Co-operatives
  • Concern for Community

To read the Articles of Incorporation click here.

To read the By-Laws click here.

To read the Minutes of Meetings click here.